Family Album (Stanford ME310)

Oct 2012 - June 2013  |  

Advisor: Jiawei Gu, Weiping Li, Bin Li  |  

Team: Yingwei Li, Yunjun Wu, Yikang Liu, Mishel Johns, Xuesen Li, Shiquan Wang, and Sara Jaafar

Fixed Dimensions

Images with fixed dimensions
  1. Family Album

  2. Lamp part of Family Album

    with Raspberry Pi, a web camera, and a projector inside
  3. Windows phone application for photo sharing

  4. A prototype we use for user study

  5. FAlbum at 2013 ME310 Stanford EXPE

  6. Poster in 2013 Stanford EXPE

  7. Our Team!


There is a growing divide between seniors and their younger family members today due to differences in access to and attitudes towards technology. Much of the benefits of digital technology remain inaccessible to seniors. Photo sharing is one such area. We hope to explore a method of sharing photos between generations and strengthen their communication.

We present a novel photo browsing interface that combines the connectivity and convenience of the digital world with the familiarity of a traditional album. The Family Album disguises a cloud-connected photo browsing device as a photo album under a lamp which can be easily used by the elderly user. A smartphone app was designed for younger users to share and manage photos for their elderly relatives who use the Family Album.

The project belonged to Stanford ME310 Design Innovation program and sponsored by Microsoft Research Asia. We presented our device as a work-in-progress in the 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’14). pdf